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121 Jarrell Dr. Belle Chasse, Louisiana 70037
+1 (504) 393-7479 (FACSIMILE)

Subsea Imaging and Survey

As part of a submarine cable installation, existing submarine cable location project or other marine project, R. T. Casey can provide project planning and data acquisition for subsea imaging of cables, pipelines, structures and potential hazards using the latest acoustic technology including:
  • Setting1High Resolution Multibeam/Backscatter sonar
  • Tripod mount, diver handheld or ROV mounted 2D sonar
  • Marine Magnetometer
  • Sub-Bottom Profiler

Additionally, we can provide positioning and modeling for all types of subsea or surface operations utilizing precision, dynamic and real time measurements including:

  • Kinematic or Differential GPS
  • Inertial Navigation Systems
  • Precision Attitude Sensors
  • Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers

Processing and analysis of the numerous measurement types can be provided to fit the client’s need for visualization utilizing:

  • Figure 16 – LIMA Unknown object dimensionsTeledyne RESON PDS2000
  • QPS Fledermaus
  • ESRI ArcMap
  • AutoCAD

As part of a project, R.T. Casey can provide any or all of the below services:

  • Pre-Lay Cable Route Survey
  • Post-Lay Cable Route Survey
  • Cable Location Survey
  • Subsea Hazard Identification Survey
  • Diver Navigation Support
  • Subsea Design Support